
I would like to welcome you to our SAMP tactical training academy consultants.

Τρίτη 19 Οκτωβρίου 2010

SAMP Tactical Training Consultants

Hello everyone. My name is Jim. Through this blog I would like to welcome you to the first SAMP Tactical Training Academy Consultants. Today's servers in SAMP are more demanding than ever. Same goes with the LEO and Military factions as well. We are in position to train any potential server LEO or Military faction that is interested to get a more tactical training concerning multiple issues .In cases you are interested you may contact us with a list of the things that your team needs to learn in order to be more effective. However because the possibilities are endless that is why, we are in position to provide you a standard list of training courses or a list of your demands in order for the training courses to be more suitable for your teams.

Here is a basic course list that our Academy can provide to you:
1.      Tactical Pistols Training
2.      Tactical Rifles Training 
3.      Tactical Patrol Training
4.      Tactical Swat Training
5.      Advanced Tactical Swat Training
6.      Military Training
7.      Advanced Military training
8.      Basic VIP Protection
9.      Advanced VIP Protection
10.  High Risk Environment VIP Operations

Each training group has to be composed by at least 7-9 trainees. And also there has to be a specific list of the things that your team needs to be trained. After the completion of the Courses there will be a certificate given to each applicant as well a well written handbook for the Agency-Branch.
Here  is a list of the duration of each course and pay rates.
1.      Tactical Pistols Training [3 days 4 Euros]
2.      Tactical Rifles Training  [5 days 6 Euros]
3.      Tactical Patrol Training  [6 days 8 Euros]
4.      Tactical Swat Training   [8 days 12 Euros]
5.      Advanced Tactical Swat Training  [10 days 14 Euros]
6.      Military Training  [8 days 8 Euros]
7.      Advanced Military training [14 days 15 Euros]
8.      Basic VIP Protection [7 days 10 Euros]
9.      Advanced VIP Protection [12 days 15 Euros]
10.  High Risk Environment VIP Operations [14 days 17 Euros]
In order to succeed on each training course the applicants are expected to be quiet, disciplined ,serious  and willing to learn because time is money and since a department or a military branch needs to be trained professionally there is no room for errors.